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ECOWAS Commission President welcomes the Peaceful outcome of the post-electoral crisis in The Gambia

Abuja, 24 January 2017

The President of the Commission of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Marcel de Souza, expressed satisfaction with the peaceful outcome of the post-electoral crisis in The Gambia.

He made this comment on Tuesday 24 January 2017 in Abuja, Nigeria, on the occasion of his new year message to development partners and members of the diplomatic corps accredited to the regional organisation.

The Commission President commended the ECOMIG Forces (ECOWAS Mission in The Gambia) involved in the operations for the restoration of democracy, peace and security along key points in Banjul, the Gambian capital, for their dexterity and professionalism.

« The operations took place without shedding of blood, without any casualty, and without any foreign intervention whatsoever. This is a clear indication that Africa can face her own challenges and find solutions to her problems », he noted.

The Commission President took the opportunity to praise the efforts made by ECOWAS Heads of State and Government and friendly countries, as well as the various presidential mediation missions resulting in the successful resolution of the crisis.

In that regard, he paid special tribute to Mrs Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, President of Liberia and Chairperson of the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government, and in particular to Muhammadu Buhari, President of Nigeria and ECOWAS Mediator, alongside John Dramani Mahama. Ghana’s former President and Co-mediator of the regional organisation.

The Commission President welcomed the remarkable efforts made by Professor Alpha Condé and Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, Presidents of Guinea and Mauritania respectively, for successfully conducting the final mediation leading to the departure of the former Gambian Head of State, Yahya Jammeh, to Equatorial Guinea.

Marcel de Souza further paid tribute to Nigeria, Senegal and Ghana’s Armed Forces for deploying troops and providing logistics at short notice, and thanked Senegal’s President, Macky Sall, for the warm welcome accorded to ECOMIG troops, as well as for the facilities extended to them to enable them carry out their mission.

On demands for amnesty and claims for guarantee made by the former President of The Gambia for himself, his entourage and supporters, the ECOWAS Principal noted that the requests will be examined by ECOWAS decision-making bodies, the African Union and the United Nations.

Regarding the new Gambian President, Adama Barrow, the Commission President called on him to embrace national unity and reconciliation of all Gambians, economic recovery, consolidation of renewed peace and democracy, while avoiding settling of scores and witch-hunting.

Aside the political situation in The Gambia, Marcel de Souza provided an update on actions and activities undertaken since assuming office on 8 April 2016, highlighting in particular the regional organisation’s costs containment measures.

He equally highlighted initiatives aimed at improving and facilitating free movement of persons, goods and services in the Community, namely the development and distribution of a documentary entitled « Taxi Cedeao », denouncing harassment and extortion of West African citizens along the borders of certain Member States.

Regional security issues, especially recurrent attacks of the Boko Haram terrorist group and radical Islamists in Nigeria, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso and Cote d’Ivoire were also addressed by the ECOWAS Commission President.

He announced that in March 2017, an international conference will be held in Mali on the fight against terrorism in West Africa. The conference aims to brainstorm on the regional strategy to ensure peace in Northern Mali. The outcome of the conference will provide an assessment on the repercussions of the war in Libya, Sudan, Syria and Iraq on West Africa.

The Commission President lauded the excellent cooperation between ECOWAS and its development partners on the one hand, and members of the diplomatic corps accredited to the regional organisation on the other hand, and expressed the wish that they will continue to support West Africa in its efforts to fight poverty, religious intolerance and terrorism.


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