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ECOWAS commends collective ownership of ECPF
Abuja, 15th June 2016

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The Internal Steering Committee (ISC) of the ECOWAS Conflict Prevention Framework (ECPF) has expressed satisfaction with the growing collective ownership of the framework by all stakeholders as a veritable tool of bringing about greater stability in the region.


This disclosure was made by the ECOWAS Director of Political Affairs (DPA) Dr. Aderemi Ajibewa during the meeting of the ISC with development partners, Focal Points and staff of strategic Directorates who are driving the ECPF process on the 14th of June 2016 in Abuja.

The meeting was called to brief Focal Point Directorates on the outcome of earlier meetings with Development Partners, lessons from a results-based Management training as well as an internal launch of the newly developed ECPF Web Portal.

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According to Dr. Ajibewa, who was supported by the co-chair of the meeting and representative of the ECOWAS Director, External Relations Madam Benita Tar, the strides made by all stakeholders of the ECPF over the past months have reached a very encouraging point where ownership is now by all stakeholders rather than the narrow perception that it is just a programme of the Department of Political Affairs, Peace and Security.


Recognizing the presence of development partners in the ISC meetings as a sign of unflinching interest and support, Dr. Ajibewa expressed the hope that some of the issues and new threats bordering on trans-humans and violent extremism being identified as phenomena that need the attention of the ECPF would be effectively tackled in the end.

Apart from working out ways of engaging the media on good governance, anti- corruption, etc, stakeholders were also enjoined to brace themselves up to deal with the issues bringing about delays in the implementation of the ECPF.


The ECPF Secretariat introduced directorates to the mapping tools to be used to assess contributions being made by stakeholders and partners including the reporting template for ECPF components, convergence principle, while updates given included the pledge by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to partner with the Commission in the implementation of the ECPF.

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Among other reports and briefings, was also a presentation by Monitoring and Evaluation Unit on capacity building for ECOWAS Commission staff on result-based management and performance measurements.


There were also feedbacks from partners and other matters arising since  the last (ISC) in April 2016 with disclosures that the ECPF Secretariat has been working for the effective mobilization of financial resources for the implementation of ECPF activities leading to the development of a monitoring strategy for the ECPF reporting process among others

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During the Meeting, the ECPF web portal was also internally launched with a presentation outline and site tour. The Web Portal was developed in keeping with the desire to make the conflict prevention and peace building activities of ECOWAS, more visible to citizens of West Africa. It is also meant to be an information sharing tool and reservoir of the all-important matters of peace, security and conflict resolution.


Present at the meeting were representatives of Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Ludwig Kirchner, Mr. Peter Lassen of the Embassy of Denmark, Addis Ababa, Christian Gregaet, and Julian Brett (Danish Consultants) as well as Rene Taws Hansen from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Also in attendance were the ECOWAS Director of Gender, Mrs. Sintiki Ugbe and phi Delia Amey, Adviser, GIZ Support to ECOWAS.



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