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ECOWAS collaborates with UNITAR in an E-Learning Programme on Trade


The Trade Negotiation Capacity Building (TNCB) at the ECOWAS Commission is collaborating with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) to deliver an online Trade course to participants from ECOWAS Member States.

The course on “Multilateral Trade Negotiations: Tips and Techniques”, for up to 450 trade participants, will be available online in English, French and Portuguese. This course aims to assist the negotiators and government officials of ECOWAS Member States in their preparations for future multilateral trade negotiations.

The course will enhance their knowledge and disseminate information about various trade negotiation skills and techniques, which will enable them to better prepare for future multilateral trade negotiations, become ‘well-informed’ and fully benefit from their participation by becoming equal partners in the negotiating process.

The course will provide a comprehensive overview of the concept of negotiations, background and special characteristics of multilateral trade negotiations in the WTO and how to strategically prepare and plan in conducting successful negotiations.

It will also help participants gain greater insight into various negotiation issues currently involved in different WTO Agreements. Due to limited spaces, priority will be given to participants who are members of the National Inter-Institutional Committee (IIC) on Trade.

The Trade Negotiation Capacity Building (TNCB) project at the ECOWAS Commission, aims at building the capacity of trade officials from ECOWAS Member States to effectively engage in international negotiations and multilateral trade agreements. Since its inception in 2003, the TNCB Project has established or strengthened Inter-Institutional Committee on Trade in ECOWAS Member States, as well built the capacity of over 800 participants on Trade related issues. For more information about the TNCB Project, please visit

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) is a training arm of the United Nations System. The mission of UNITAR is to develop capacities of individuals, organizations and institutions to enhance global decision- making and to support country- level action for shaping a better future. For more information about UNITAR, please visit .

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