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ECOWAS, CILSS and WAEMU communique on COP26 and climate change

ECOWAS, CILSS and WAEMU communique on

COP26 and climate change


Having regard to the contribution of the IPCC Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) affirming that a global warming of +1.5°C and +2°C will be exceeded during the 21st century, unless significant reductions in carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas emissions occur in the coming decades;

Having regard to the latest UNFCCC synthesis report on Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) indicates an estimated end-of-century temperature of +2.7°C;

Considering also that 5 of the 10 countries most vulnerable to climate change are in West Africa, that the region is already experiencing visible impacts and is facing huge challenges such as the degradation of natural resources and biodiversity, growing conflicts between water and land users, increased internal and external migration, increased food insecurity and poverty in some areas, etc. ;

Recalling Resolution No. 1/CXII/21 of the 112th Session of the OACPS Council of Ministers held by videoconference on 7 and 8, July 2021;

Acknowledge that we are now in a situation of climate emergency;

Call upon COP26 and GCA3 to recognize this state of emergency and to emphasize the urgency of increased action to fight climate change;

Reiterate that West African countries are engaged to fight climate change and that their NDCs have been reviewed and updated accordingly;

Recall that, in order to address the very high vulnerability of West African countries to climate change, priority must be given to adaptation and the provision of additional financial support to ensure immediate implementation of adaptation measures ;

Express their deep disappointment about the latest OECD report (2021) showing that climate finance has culminated up to USD 79.6 billion in 2019, far behind the USD 100 billion /year by 2020 collective goal;

Call for COP26 to focus on climate finance and the effective mobilization of up to USD 100 billion per year until a new, highly ambitious collective climate finance goal is adopted by 2025;

Reiterate that the negotiations process on climate finance must be inclusive and well-informed, in particular by the Standing Committee on Finance on the needs of developing countries;

Further call for the new climate finance goal to be set at a level that is consistent with pathways required to achieve the Paris Agreement objective;


Call for COP26 to decide on:


  • concerning the article 6: a balanced treatment between 6.2 and 6.4, including share of proceeds on internationally transferred mitigation outcomes (ITMOs) under article 6.2 to finance adaptation;
  • a 5 year common timeframe for NDCs to avoid lock-in in low ambition and flexibility;
  • the operationalization of the Global Adaptation Goal in relation to provide adequate finance;
  • the operationalization of the Santiago Network and clear recommendations to fund Loss and Damage;
  • a balanced approach to mitigation and adaptation and inclusiveness under the Global Stocktake (capacity building of developing countries).


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