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ECOWAS Chairman Pays 2-Day Official Visit to ECOWAS Institutions

The President of the Republic of Liberia and Chair of Authority of ECOWAS Heads of State and Government, Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf will pay an official visit to ECOWAS Institutions in Abuja, Nigeria on the 4th and 5th of December 2016.

The chairman will unfold her vision which has to do in part, with the promotion of the cause of accelerating community priorities for the transformation of the community into an ECOWAS of peoples.

During her visit, President Sirleaf will hold a productive discussion with the president of the ECOWAS Commission Marcel de Souza, senior officials and staff of the Commission.

President Sirleaf is also billed to meet officials of the ECOWAS Parliament, the Community Court of Justice as well as ECOWAS ambassadors in Abuja, in order to be appraised of the ongoing institutional reforms as well as the objectives and ongoing projects and programmes including funding sources and challenges facing the various Departments and Institutions.

Apart from acquainting herself with the activities and functions of the ECOWAS Commission, the chair of the ECOWAS Authority would use the visit to promote the consolidation of the ECOWAS peace and security architecture as well as the conclusion of negotiations and legal actions to enhance trade integration.

In tandem with the vision of ECOWAS, she is also expected to drive home the importance of achieving transformation of Vision 2020 through agriculture and infrastructure as well as the need to improve Financial Stability.

President Sirleaf was appointed chairman of the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government during the 49th ECOWAS Ordinary Summit which held in Dakar, Senegal on the 4th of June 2016.

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