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ECOWAS, African Union and UN statement on the political developments in the Gambia

The ECOWAS Commission, the African Union Commission and the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) have received information that the Gambian incumbent President Yahya Jammeh has rejected the results of the Gambian presidential election of 1 December 2016 that have been officially announced by the country’s Independent Electoral Commission.


The President of the ECOWAS Commission, the Chairperson of the AU Commission and the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General to West Africa and the Sahel are deeply concerned by these developments. They call on the government of The Gambia to abide by its constitutional responsibilities and international obligations. It is fundamental that the verdict of the ballots should be respected, and that the security of the president -elect Adama Barrow, and that of all Gambian citizen be fully ensured.


ECOWAS, the AU and the UN strongly support the stand of the Senegalese Government on the issue with regards to calling an emergency meeting of the UNSC and urge relevant Gambian stakeholders to contribute to a peaceful transition and orderly handing over of power from the outgoing administration to the President-elect within constitutional deadlines, in accordance with the Gambian electoral laws.

ECOWAS, the AU and the UN urge all Gambian stakeholders including the elected leadership, the armed forces, political parties and Civil Society Organisations to reject violence and peacefully uphold the will of the people as clearly expressed through the ballot box. They also call upon the Gambian Defence and Security forces to live up to their republican duties.


ECOWAS, the AU and the UN stand in solidarity with the people of The Gambia whom they once again commend for the maturity demonstrated throughout the electoral process and commit to continue monitoring developments in The Gambia.



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