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“Contributions of West Africa’s sub-regional institutions to climate change”


Press Release – West Africa at the COP21

2 December 2015, Paris, Le Bourget, Blue Zone, Hall 4, Room 4, 3:00-4:30pm.
The event is jointly organised by ECOWAS, UEMOA, CILSS and BOAD.

The West African region is mobilising to advocate the adoption of an ambitious and legally binding climate agreement based on the African common position adopted by the African group of

Environment Ministers from member states of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA), the Permanent Inter-State Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS) and the West African Development Bank (BOAD) approved a Joint Statement on 7 November in Dakar.

They strongly reaffirm “the great climate vulnerability of ECOWAS, UEMOA and CILSS countries and consequently the need to mobilise funding within the framework of the commitment of USD 100 billion per year for the successful implementation of major initiatives such as the Great Green Wall, the African Renewable Energy Initiative and the Niger Basin Climate Resilience Investment Plan.”

The West African region has a dedicated information stand at the COP21 (Green Zone, Hall 3) and will also participate in a large number of side-events (see schedule of events).
In order to showcase its contributions in the field of climate change, ECOWAS, UEMOA, CILSS and BOAD are jointly organising a side event which will be held on 2 December 2015 from 3:00-4:30pm
(Blue Zone, Hall 4, Room 4).
The participation of the leaders of these four institutions is confirmed:
• Mr Désiré Kadré Ouédraogo, ECOWAS Commission President
• Mr Cheikhe Hadjibou Soumaré, UEMOA Commission President
• Mr Djimé Adoum, CILSS Executive Secretary
• Mr Christian Adovèlande, BOAD President

They will share their vision and respective experience with climate change mitigation and adaptation in the Sahel and West Africa. Several Sahelian and West African Heads of State and government and their ministers in charge of environment are also expected to participate in the event.

The session will close with a reading of the Declaration “Global Alliance for Resilience (AGIR) – Sahel and West Africa: An essential contribution to strengthening capacity for climate change adaptation of the most vulnerable populations.”
essentielle au renforcement des capacités d’adaptation aux changements climatiques des populations les plus vulnérables ».

The event is open to COP21 participants and accredited media.
For more information or interview requests, please contact the following persons:
• ECOWAS: Mrs Sandra Oulate, Director of Communications:, phone: 0666294533
• UEMOA: Ms Hawa Ly, Communications Officer,, phone: 0778763847
• CILSS: Mr Abdoulkarim Dankoulou, Director of Communications,,
phone: 0761399238

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