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Communique about Terrorist attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo

H. E. Kadré Désiré OUÉDRAOGOThe Economic Community of West African States followed with utmost dismay and great outrage the inhuman act perpetrated on Wednesday 7January 2015 against the offices of the French magazine Charlie Hebdo, which resulted in loss of life.

In these difficult times for France and quiet reflection in the memory of the illustrious dead, martyrs of freedom, ECOWAS joins in the mourning of the French Nation and offers heartfelt condolences to H.E. François Hollande, President of the French Republic, his Government and bereaved families.

This unacceptable act against democracy which ECOWAS condemns in the strongest possible terms, reminds the International Community of the need to continue, with great resolve, all the efforts to combat obscurantism, extremism and terrorism in all its forms.

ECOWAS acknowledges France’s commitment on this subject and would like to reiterate its full support and encouragement in this legitimate campaign to uphold and promote fundamental freedoms.


Abuja, 8 January 2015


Kadré Désiré Ouégraogo

President of the Commission

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