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ECOWAS Gender Development Centre (EGDC)

At the January 2003 Summit in Dakar, the Authority approved the establishment of a Gender Technical Commission a Gender Division within the Executive Secretariat, and the transformation of WAWA into ECOWAS Gender Development Centre.  As part of its key activities, the Center is involved in development of a Regional Policy and Advocacy on Sexual Harassment (an aspect of Gender-based Violence) in the Working Place and Educational Institutions.

Objectives of the Center

  • To mobilize women and empower them to be active participants in the regional integration process;
  • To mainstream Gender in ECOWAS institutions and member States;
  • Work with Member States to implement the Gender Policy and Strategic Plan
  • Research into gender issues
  • Work with Member States to collect, collate and analyze sex-disaggregated data
  • Conduct sensitization, training and capacity building in Member States
  • Perform an advocacy role
  • Network and form partnerships with Civil Society
  • To disseminate information through various media including a news letter

EGDC WebSite

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