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ECOWAS moving towards COP21 in Paris
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Preparatory Meeting of Experts and Meeting of Ministers of the Environment of the Member States of ECOWAS, UEMOA and CILSS in climate negotiations for the 21th Conference of Parties to the Paris conference

From November 5 to 7, 2015 in Dakar (Senegal)

For more …. :

Dr. Johnson BOANUH, Director of Environment , ECOWAS Commission

Bougonou K. DJERI-ALASSANI , Head Division Environment Policies and Regulations, Directorate of Environment ECOWAS Commission

Raoul K . KOUAME, Project Coordinator Climate Change, Directorate of Environment ECOWAS Commission

Aliou DIA, Team Leader – Africa Region, Climate Change – Disaster Reduction – Energy, Bureau for Policy and Programme Support (UNDP)

Arona Soumare, Sp̩cialiste de programme РN̩gociations Internationales Environnement et D̩veloppement Durable РInstitut de la Francophonie pour le d̩veloppement durable (IFDD)

Tahir BASSE, Knowledge Management & Communication Specialist – UNDP

Dr. Zourata LOMPO-OUEDRAOGO, Directrice de l’Environnement, Commission de l’UEMOA

Madame Edwige YARO/BOTONI, Expert GRN, Secrétariat Exécutif du CILSS




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