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ECOWAS Experts Recommend The Establishment Of National Federations Of West African Public Service Games
PIC. 5. IMG_0081Regional sporting experts and relevant ECOWAS resource persons have resolved that the establishment of a National Federation of West African Public Service Games (WAPSGA) has become imperative for the overall health of West African citizens.

The resolution was reached at the end of a two-day regional consultation meeting which held on the 6th and 7th of August 2015 at the ECOWAS Commission in Abuja, where the conferees decided that there shall now be established in each ECOWAS member state, a National Federation of West African Public Service Games.

In this regard, each member state which make up the regional group is expected to commence immediately the process of putting in place the necessary structures for the National Federations.

WAPSGA is seen as a functional platform for Public Services of the region to interface for the purpose of regional integration and cooperation.

According to the communique released on the deliberations of the meeting, the operational structure as envisaged, entails each member state to designate a Focal Point or a competent officer to regularly communicate to the ECOWAS Commission on all matters arising. Such designates would be the link with ECOWAS and are to be responsible for the organization of the games at National levels among other functions.

The meeting also worked out a resource mobilization strategy that places certain responsibilities on the national federations while ECOWAS may provide necessary support to strengthen the operations of the National Federations of West African Public Service Games as deemed necessary.

A roadmap for organising the first edition of the West African Public Service Games was adopted, as the meeting also agreed to acquaint Member States with the General Rules and Regulations and to develop their capacities.

Nigeria has been selected to host the first edition of the West African Public Service Games scheduled tentatively for the 28th May, 2016 while the venue and the host city would be decided in due course.

Events to be competed for are limited to those stated in the Rules and Regulation of the West African Public Service Games. However, host member states can add to the list when necessary provided a capacity to fund the events is demonstrated.

Participants at the two-day workshop were drawn from eight ECOWAS Member States namely; Burkina Faso, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Togo, and some partner agencies that include: UNESCO, ECOWAS Commission, ECOWAS Parliament, ECOWAS Youth and Sports Development Centre, as well as the Federation of Public Service Games of Nigeria.

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