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ECOWAS trains personnel of the National Centers for the Coordination of Early Warn-ing and Response Mechanisms (NCCRMs)

ECOWAS trains personnel of the National Centers for the Coordination of Early Warning and Response Mechanisms (NCCRMs) in Dakar Senegal from September 19 to 23rd, 2022.

The induction training served to deepen employees’ understanding of the workings of the National Centers, their functions, personnel roles, and responsibilities needed to adequately enhance and reinforce their operations. The training involved a walk through the ECOWARN system with specialized tools including the HSAF and JARP tools, understanding fundamental concepts, thematic modules, products, the operationalization of NCCRMs, and the Terms of References associated with their jobs.


Dr. Lat Abdou Gueye, Director of Early Warning at the ECOWAS Commission, in his welcome address emphasized that ‘this peer-to-peer learning opportunity couldn’t have come at a better time as understanding early warning and the ECOWAS’ mandate in conflict prevention in the region is central to addressing the underlining causes, triggers and ramifications of human insecurity.’


He expressed his gratitude to the European Union, the German Ministry of Development Cooperation, and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) EPSAO (ECOWAS Peace and Security Architecture and Operations) project for supporting EWD to enhancing Early Warning and Response as part of its mandate for mitigating and managing conflicts in the region.


Also at the opening session was Mr. Christoph PELZER representing the Cooperation Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Senegal who gave assurances of continuous support and commitment through the EPSAO project


At the end of the 5-day workshop, which consisted of 10 sessions of presentations, discussions, plenary and group sessions were held, with concrete recommendations to ensure progress and continued collaboration proffered. Participants at the workshop included representatives of the West African Network for Peace Building (WANEP)


This training was facilitated by GIZ via the EPSAO Project, co-funded by the European Union and the German Government (Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation, BMZ).

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