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Legislative elections of 31 July 2022 in Senegal: ECOWAS deploys 40 experts to observe the voting process

The Senegalese legislative elections will be held onSunday, 31 July 2022 to renew for five (5) years the one hundred and sixty-five (165) members of the National Assembly. The distribution of the members of the National Assembly will be done according to a parallel voting system in fifty-four (54) electoral districts as follows: forty-six (46) departments of Senegal and eight (8) electoral divisions in the Diaspora.

H.E Kadré Désiré OUEDRAOGO 


In accordance with its Supplementary Protocol on Democracy and Good Governance, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) will deploy a 40-member Election Observer Mission (EOM) to monitor the voting process in this Member State of the West African regional organisation with a population of approximately 16.7 million people.


The Election Observer Mission (EOM) is led by H.E. Kadré Désiré Ouédraogo, former President of the ECOWAS Commission from March 2012 to June 2016, and former Prime Minister of Burkina Faso.


In carrying out his mandate, the Head of the ECOWAS Electoral Mission will be supported by a technical team comprising Dr. Remi Ajibewa, Director of Political Affairs, Francis Oké, Head of the Electoral Assistance Division and several other technical staff of the Commission.


The role of the ECOWAS Election Observer Mission is to monitor all pre-electoral, electoral and post-electoral activities to ensure that the voting process adheres to international best practices.

At the end of the election, the Mission will express its opinion and make recommendations, where necessary, to the different stakeholders involved in the electoral process. This will be done through a preliminary statement to be issued by the Head of the Mission, H.E. Kadré Désiré Ouédraogo, at a press conference to be held the day after the election in Dakar, the Senegalese capital.



About seven (7) million voters are expected to cast their ballots in the 15,500 polling stations to choose candidates from the eight (8) lists of candidates cleared to take part in the legislative elections.


ECOWAS appeals to the different political parties and candidates to ensure that the elections are conducted in peace, tranquility, serenity and national cohesion.


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