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COVID-19: ECOWAS Flags off Distribution of Hygiene Materials to Displaced Populations in Nigeria
All officials at the event

Abuja, 19th May, 2020. In furtherance of its commitment to the enhancement of the health and general wellbeing of citizens in the region, the ECOWAS Commission in conjunction with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), has on the 19th of May 2020, flagged off the distribution of hygiene materials to displaced populations, in Abuja the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria.

The beneficiary populations are located in the Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps of Wasa, Takushara and Waru.

The activity which also has the active support of the Nigerian Red Cross Society, is part of the Covid-19 emergency response by ECOWAS in collaboration with relevant partners to increase awareness on preventive and protective measures against the corona virus, having regards to Risk Communications and Community Engagement (RCCE).A mass of people waiting to be reached

The joint intervention which cover’s hygiene, water and sanitation promotion, saw the distribution of basic materials comprising plastic water buckets with taps, soap as well as hand sanitizers. Formal demonstration-presentations were also made involving sample populations of pregnant women, lactating mothers, the aged and orphans.

In her remark during the event, the ECOWAS Commission’s Commissioner for Social Affairs and Gender Mrs. Siga Fatima Jagne emphasized the critical role of health education and hygiene promotion in raising awareness towards reducing the spread of COVID-19.

Acknowledging the mapping efforts by the field officers of the joint team to ensure the programme’s success, Commissioner Jagne disclosed that no fewer than 3,000 households were reached through direct communication in the process. She pledged the ECOWAS Commission’s continuous support for causes which brings succour to the region’s needy citizens.

The Secretary-General, Nigerian Red Cross Society Mr. Abubakar Kende lauded the collaborative efforts between his organization and ECOWAS in ensuring that the war against Covid-19 is won.

Speaking in the same vein, the IFRC Representative in Nigeria and the West Coast Office Ms Yvonne Kabagire stressed the need for the local population to abide by the hygiene protocols which were demonstrated during the event. The chair Wasa District, IDP camp, Mr. Godfrey Bitrus thanked the ECOWAS and the Red Cross teams for their social responsibility gesture.

Mass awareness campaigns in seven IDPs Camps had been carried out in the area before the commencement of the ECOWAS-IFRC hygiene kits distribution programme. The outreach programme was held simultaneously in other locations in Nigeria’s capital territory.

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