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Recrutment of a Youth Programme Specialist

Date : 20 Jan 2020 - 15 Feb 2020
Venue : Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso,
Town : Ouagadougou
Country : Burkina Faso




I. Information


Job Title: Youth Programme Specialist

Duty Station: Burkina Faso

Category: ECOWAS International Volunteer

Type of Contract: ECOWAS Volunteer Programme. Non-Family Position

Expected starting date of assignment: 1st March 2020

Duration: One (01) year, renewable (depending on budget availability and satisfactory performance)

Deadline: 09th February 2020


II. Preamble

The ECOWAS Youth and Sports Development Centre (EYSDC), was created by the Decision A/DEC.13/01/05 of 19th January 2005 at Accra, Ghana as a specialized Agency of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

At the 32nd session of the ECOWAS Summit held in June 2007, the Heads of States and Government adopted a new approach to regional integration by approving a new global vision called the ECOWAS Vision 2020. The principal objective of this vision is to move the Community from an «ECOWAS of States» to an «ECOWAS of Peoples» by the year 2020.

Consequently, the EYSDC implements her policies, activities and strategic action plans, as well as the ECOWAS vision in the areas of youth and sports, including the ECOWAS Volunteers Programme. The EYSDC’s objective is to initiate, develop, coordinate and implement youth and sports programmes within the Community. To this end, it works to:

  • mobilise the different segments of the population to ensure their integration and effective participation in the social development of the region, as well as the promotion of youth organisations and professional associations to ensure maximum participation in the activities of the Community;
  • provide a permanent institutional framework within ECOWAS through which issues related to Youth and Sports activities in the sub-region can be developed and promoted.



III. Organizational Framework of the Centre

The Youth and Sports Development Centre (EYSDC) is one of the Directorates under the Social Affairs and Gender Department of the ECOWAS Commission. It is based in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) under the headquarters agreement signed between the Burkina Faso authorities and the ECOWAS Commission.

Decision N° A/DEC 13/01/2005 of 19th January 2005 had adopted the organizational structure comprising of four Divisions (Youth, Sports, Administration and Finance, and TIC). However, since 2008, the Centre has undergone some structural modifications following the transfer of the ECOWAS Volunteers Programme (EVP) from the Political Affairs, Peace and Security Department of the Commission (CPAPS) to the EYSDC, under the Social Affairs and Gender Department.

The EVP is centralized in organisation, but decentralized in its application to allow for flexibility and adaptation to the current realities of each country. The strategic directions, including the formulation of the overall vision, goals and objectives of the Programme, is the responsibility of the Regional Coordination Council (RCC), whose role, among others, is to ensure that the EVP becomes a genuine voluntary arm of ECOWAS.

Being a cross-cutting programme, the ECOWAS Volunteers Regional Coordination Council (RCC) includes representatives of relevant departments of the ECOWAS Commission. The RCC is chaired by the Commissioner for Social Affairs and Gender of the ECOWAS Commission. She is assisted by the Director of the ECOWAS Youth and Sports Development Centre (EYSDC), as Alternate Chairman of the RCC.

The executive arm of the RCC is the Regional Office, provided by the EYSDC in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). The programme’s regional coordination activities are coordinated by a Regional Coordinator under the supervision of the EYSDC Director. Although the EVP is under the Youth Division of the EYSDC, it is directly supervised by the EYSDC Director for effectiveness.

At the National level, the National Coordination Council (NCC) serves as the national body through which national policy guidelines for the Programme are given. This Council works towards the understanding and entrenchment of the Volunteer Programme in the national environment. It also serves as advisor to the country office, which is responsible for the coordination of the Programme at national level. The NCC is chaired by the Head of the ECOWAS National Office in the country. It is made up of Focal Points/Representatives of the various ministries, Civil Society Organisations, United Nations Agencies and local youth associations involved in the implementation of the Programme at the National level.


IV. Duties and Responsibilities

Under the supervision of the Programme Officer, Youth, the Youth Programme Specialist performs a wide range of functions on behalf of the EYDSC. Its main role is to provide technical support and expertise in the development and implementation of programmes and projects for the ECOWAS youth, within the framework of the implementation of the ECOWAS Youth Policy.

The Youth programme specialist shall work closely with all the staff of the Centre and with other partners to ensure a successful and quality service delivery.

S/He shall :

  • Contribute to the conception and implementation of specific programmes and projects geared towards the development and empowerment of the youth in West Africa
  • Participate, as necessary, in setting up projects for the financing of youth projects and enterprises
  • Finalise the set up and implementation of the online Crowd-funding platform for the financing of youth projects and enterprises;
  • Research, analyze and follow up national, regional and international texts and instruments relating to youth and youth development, and submit regular reports to the Director
  • Find and monitor structures, organisations and youth associations in existence at national and regional levels. Set up a directory/database and submit regular reports thereon for use by the Center
  • Set up a comprehensive database to identify and monitor the progress of young people who have participated in the EYSDC-organized training
  • Identify and follow up partners for the financing of the Centre’s programmes as well as opportunities for financing youth projects and enterprises in West Africa
  • Identify and develop policies and youth initiatives to be implemented at the ECOWAS Member States level, as well as policies and initiatives to be implemented at the international level to benefit ECOWAS Youth
  • Perform any other task related to the promotion of ECOWAS Youth as may be demanded by the authorities.



Required Qualifications and Experiences:

A minimum of Bachelors’ degree in the Social Sciences, International Relations, Economics, Youth or related discipline.


  • At least 3 years of professional experience in project management, youth coaching or youth programme organisation and management, international development, or any other related field;
  • Good understanding and mastery of youth issues and of youth empowerment.
  • Good knowledge of the socio-economic situation of the ECOWAS region
  • Good editorial and research skills ; good analytical and composition skills
  • Good communication skills and ability to connect with target public ;
  • Inclination to network and good knowledge of networking
  • Takes initiatives to finance youth-related projects
  • Good organisational skills ;
  • Proactive and enterprising (takes initiative)
  • Good computer skills – Office Suite ;
  • Good interpersonal skills
  • Excellent skills in the field of research, management and project development
  • Experience working with a regional or international organization would be an advantage.


Language Requirements:

  • A perfect mastery of written and oral French or English, is a must.
  • A good working knowledge of the third ECOWAS official language (Portuguese) will be considered a desirable advantage


Composition of Application:

  • A signed letter of application/motivation addressed to the Director, EYSDC;
  • A detailed Curriculum Vitae highlighting specific skills and experiences of the candidate;
  • Certified copies of certificates, diplomas and work certificates;
  • A police clearance certificate of less than three months

Submission of Applications

  • Applications should be submitted by email to the address: with the title: Application for the Post of Youth Programme Specialist on the subject line.
V. Conditions of Service

An initial contract for 12 months will be offered with a basic Monthly Living Allowance of 412.5 USD or its equivalent in local currency.

At the beginning of the assignment, and where applicable, a settling-in grant will be paid and a resettlement grant will be provided at the end of the assignment. Where applicable, air transport from home country to the duty station and return at end of mission is also provided.

A life and health insurance cover for the incumbent of the position will be provided.

Other conditions of service as stipulated in the EVP Management and Administration Manual and handbook of Conditions of service shall apply.

VI. Other Conditions

The position is open to all nationals of ECOWAS Member States, aged not more than 38 years by the date of recruitment.

This position is considered a non-family ECOWAS International Volunteer position.

ECOWAS is committed to promoting gender equality and equity. To this end, female candidates are strongly encouraged.

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