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Request For Expression Of Interest For The Update Of ECOWAS List Of Suppliers / Contractors And Service Providers For Transactions Between UA5000 – UA 30 000

Date : 13 Jan 2020 - 03 Mar 2020
Venue : ECOWAS Commission,
Town : ABUJA
Country : Nigeria

Request For Expression Of Interest For The Update Of ECOWAS List Of Suppliers / Contractors And Service Providers For Transactions Between UA5000 – UA 30 000



The ECOWAS Commission wishes to update its data base of suppliers, contractors and Service Providers for the implementation its activities.

  1. The ECOWAS Commission hereby invites reputable qualified suppliers, contractors and Service Providers with relevant experience and expertise in the following fields to apply for the registration exercise:

A         Goods


  • Supply of Audiovisual Equipment
  • Medical Supply (Equipment & Drugs)
  • Supply of Office Stationeries
  • Supply of Gift Items/Office Souvenirs
  • Supply of Office Equipment
  • Supply of Office Furniture
  • Supply of Computer Equipment / Computer Consumables
  • Supply of Library Equipment
  • Security and Safety Equipment and Supplies
  • Supply of Conference bags
  • Supply of Vehicles
  • Major Supply of Handset (Telephone)


B         Works


  • Electrical Works
  • Office Partitioning Works
  • Civil Works
  • Plumbing Works
  • Carpentry Works


C         Services


  • Maintenance of Computer Equipment
  • Maintenance of Office Machines (Photocopies / Printers / Scanners / ID cards)
  • Maintenance of Generators
  • Maintenance of Lifts – A/C Works – Central A/C Systems
  • Maintenance of CCTV
  • Refuse Collection
  • Printing & Publication
  • Major Catering Services (from 30 Persons and above)
  • Supply of diesel for Generators
  • Supply and Maintenance of Mobile Interpretation Equipment/ Public address System / Sound Systems/Fixed Interpretation Equipment
  • Fire Extinguishers / Smoke Detections
  • Gardening/Horticulture
  • Supply of fuel for cars
  • Car Hire
  • Cleaning Services
  • Transportation of Staff personal Effects
  • Auctioneers / Valuators


  1. Interested companies / contractors must provide information indicating their qualifications for a specific area of specialization indicated under the three (3) headings (Goods; Works or Services).
  2. In addition, interested companies / contractors must provide proof of technical capability as well as administrative / organizational structure, financial capability, legal status, and experience in executing similar assignments or contracts within the past five (5) years; Experience of having executed similar assignments with Donors funded project (World Bank / EU, AfDB / UN etc.

The Expression of Interest must be submitted in the following order:

  1. Cover Letter duly signed by the company’s authorized signatory indicating the specific area of specialization under the three (3) headings (Goods; Works or Services);
  2. Company Profile clearly indicating the company / Contractor area of specialization;
  3. Certificate of Incorporation / Registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC);
  4. Certified True Copy of Tax Clearance Certificate for the years (2018; 2017 and 2016)
  5. Evidence of financial capacity (Certified True Copy of Audited financial statement for the years (2018; 2017 and 2016);
  6. Evidence of technical capacity (list of equipment; staffing (CVs and Certificate) etc.
  7. Minimum of Three (3) verifiable job completion certificate(s) for similar jobs (in the indicated area of interest) executed within the last five (5) years;
  8. Evidence of technical partnership (Manufacturer’s authorization where necessary)
  9. Exact verifiable location and full addresses/contact; telephone numbers and Email address.

NB: An expression of Interest shall be disqualified where any of the above listed documentations is not provided and any Letters of Award, Contract or job completion certificates submitted by any company / contractor / service provider must have verifiable and functional address / email and phone number of the client issuing the certificate.




  1. For each specific area of specialization, a shortlist of fifteen (15) suppliers, service providers or contractors will be established in addition to the existing list of suppliers.
  2. Expressions of Interest SHALL be submitted in a Flash Drive and also to the following email address ( clearly indicating the name of the company / contractor / service provider and the specific area of specialization targeted.


NB: Please note that Hard Copy submission are not accepted and will therefore not be considered.


  1. An expression of Interest (Soft Copy in Flash Drive) shall be disqualified where no specific area of specialization is indicated, and a company / contractor / service provider cannot apply for more than two (2) areas of specialization.


  1. Expression of Interest shall be submitted latest on Thursday 13th February 2020 at 11.00 am (GMT + 1), Nigeria Time.
  2. Interested suppliers / contractors or service providers can obtain further information at the e-mail addresses mentioned below during working hours: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 pm (local time) on working days: with copy to ;
  3. This request for EoI can also be viewed on the following website:



Commissioner General Administration & Conference

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