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Administration and Finance Committee Approves 2020 Budget for ECOWAS Institutions
President Brou(2nd left),AFC Chair Mr Seyni (3rd left), Vice President Madam Koroma(r) and Commissioner Tulay (1st left)

Abuja, 2nd December 2019.

The 26th Ordinary Session of the Administration and Finance Committee (AFC) of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), which started sitting on the 25th of November 2019, has adopted its report that embody among others, a set of recommendations primed to put the administration of finances of all ECOWAS Institutions on a sound footing.

Ending deliberations on the 1st of December 2019, the AFC Chair Mr. Boubacar Seyni congratulated Members of AFC for their positive contributions. He remarked that after days of serious and frank deliberations, delegates “were able to adopt the budget for all ECOWS institutions for the implementation of community programmes and projects” which is expected to be put to prudent use.

A cross section of ECOWAS senior management staff
A wider view of delegates

While appealing for diligent implementation of all recommendations, he implored the implementers of the budget to make optimal use of the financial levers being provided through the AFC’s adoption and to “scrupulously make sure that the programmes and projects have real impact on the lives of the citizens”

In the course of the AFC meetings, the President of the ECOWAS Commission Jean-Claude Kassi Brou paid a courtesy visit to the delegates in a show of solidarity, conveying the good will of the ECOWAS Commission in the process.

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