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Consultancy services for Engineering and Construction supervision for the distribution network component of the ECOWAS Regional Electricity Access Project

Date : 23 Jul 2019 - 03 Aug 2019
Venue : ECOWAS Commission,
Town : ABUJA
Country : Nigeria



Consultancy services for Engineering and Construction supervision for the distribution network component of the ECOWAS Regional Electricity Access Project

Reference No.: (Phase 1) – P164044

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has received a grant from the World Bank toward the ECOWAS Regional Electricity Access Project (ECOWAS – REAP), and intends to apply part of the proceeds for the Consultancy services for Engineering and Construction supervision for the distribution network component of the ECOWAS Regional Electricity Access Project.

The consulting services (“the Services”) include the followings as shown below and the duration of the contract shall be for 12 months. The consultant is expected to be available in the ECOWAS’s office in Abuja full time. In order to carry out the assignment successfully, the scope of consultancy services shall include, but not be limited to:

a. Thorough stocktaking of existing studies, specifications, designs of the project and ongoing distribution projects in the three countries, prepare detailed design, specifications, drawings and bidding documents using the best engineering practice,

b. Conduct site visits and topographic surveys if necessary to validate the MV lines detailed route and angle poles locations and the MV/LV substations sites.
c. If necessary, Use the land survey information to minimize environmental impacts and avoid resettlement for the final locations of substations and transmission line routes, which may require updates to the ESMP and RAP
d. Render technical expertise to the executing agencies during the procurement process for the distribution line (MV and LV) and 33KV/400V substations (on issuing of bid documents, receipt of additional inquires and questions from bidders, analyse and reply to those inquiries and questions in consultation with the executing agencies)
e. Assist each executing agency in the contract award process with successful bidders, and including conditions of contract effectiveness and signatures on the contracts

f. Supervision of the implementation of the contracts for the Project and establishment of a Project Site Organization for each contract.
g. Examination and approval of the contractor’s/suppliers detailed design documents and drawings for compliance with the specifications in accordance with sound engineering practice;
h. Supervision of all types of site construction activities and ensure that the works are done in compliance with the contract plans and specifications with regards to both quality and timing;
i. Monitoring and supervision to ensure that the contractors fully implement all relevant mitigation measures and procedures specified in the ESMP;
j. Monitoring and supervision to ensure that the local consultant (where required) overseeing the implementation of the RAP fully implements all relevant mitigation measures and procedures specified in the RAP;
k. Inspecting and witnessing with each executing agency’s representatives the factory acceptance tests (FAT) during the manufacture of major items of equipment and at the manufacturers’ premises;
l. Monitor procurement, delivery and management of materials and equipment at field sites;
m. Supervise and approve the testing and commissioning of works for the entire scope of works;
n. Check and approve the complete set of “As-Built” drawings, and documentation; and hand over formalities to each executing agency including the required quantities as specified in each contract document;
o. Prepare terms of reference on behalf of the executing agencies for recruitment of a local consultant (where required) to organize payments to project affected peoples and help the executing agency(ies) on monitoring the implementation of the RAP;
p. Approval of the contractor’s human resources and occupational health and safety policy and the contractor’s capacity and commitment for environmentally and socially responsible operation of working camps; and
q. Participate in site progress meetings and prepare minutes that shall be shared between the project executing agency representatives, contractors for review and approval
r. Ensure all coordination and harmonization of all technical differences between the three executing agencies

General assistance for administration of the Project
s. Acting for the implementing agencies for all contract notices, instructions, orders, certificates, approvals and all communications under the contract (generally referred to as contract administration) for all contracts and liaison with all contractors, and the Owner’s Engineer of OMVG transmission line such that the various works/contracts be completed within the time set in each construction schedule and ensure the OMVG transmission lines and substations are completed before the completion of the Distribution lines in Guinea Bissau and the Gambia.
t. Impartially advise on any dispute or differences that may arise between executing agencies and the contractors, and potentially extend to advising the executing agencies on issues beyond adjudication, which would include assistance related to arbitration or litigation in connection with the contractors.
u. In case of change (variation) orders, completion time extension and/or financial claims arising from the contractors, make in depth assessment and recommendations to the executing agencies based on the day-to-day records and applicable conditions of contract.
v. Establishment of contract billing procedures, verification and certification of all contractor/suppliers billing before submission to executing agency for issue of authorization of payment,
w. In consultation with the executing agencies, issue completion certificates and final acceptance certificates to contractor as per the terms and conditions of the contracts,
x. Preparation of monthly and quarterly project progress reports as required by the executing agencies, and to address issues identified by other stakeholders.
y. Provide on-the-job training and technology transfer to the staffs of the executing agencies in contractor’s design approval, procurement management, project management and supervision of construction works;
z. Attend to the regional project technical committee (PTC) and Project Steering Committee (PSC) meetings and present the project status and challenges (when such committees are established);
aa. Monitor and supervise the implementation of the occupational Health and Safety Management Plan proposed by the contractors
bb. Monitor and supervise the implementation of the Environmental and Social Management Plan outlined in the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Study, make proposals for amendments as deemed necessary by the consultant due to his professional experience and/or evidence of need during project implementation
cc. Monitor compliance by contractors during construction and commissioning for applicable legal requirements of Mali, Guinea Bissau and The Gambia.
dd. Prepare and submit the Project Completion Report, that outlines, inter-alia, achievements in meeting the objectives and target set out for the implementing agencies under the World Bank’ s requirements.

The ECOWAS Commission now invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services of similar magnitude. The shortlisting criteria are:
 General experience of the firm in the Energy sector,
 Size of the firm or consortium (annual turn-over, financial viability),
 Experience of the firm with similar assignment (position of owner engineer in electricity distribution project of similar size),
 Experience of the firm in the ECOWAS region and in the three countries of the phase 1 of the project,
 -experience and ability of the firm to work and produce reports and any necessary documentation on the study in English and French,
 -availability of key personnel (list , qualification and experience).

i) Each reference will be summarized on a project sheet, and will be considered only if the candidate attaches supporting documents indicating the contact information of the contracting authorities so as to facilitate verification of the information provided: Excerpts of contract (inner cover page and page with the signatures) or Attestation of good performance.

Consultants may form groups to increase their chances of qualification.

The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 3.16 and 3.17 of the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers: Procurement in Investment Project Financing – Goods, Works, Non-Consulting and Consulting Services, July 2016, setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest in Consulting Services.

 A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality-and Cost- Based Selection (QCBS) method set out in the Consultant Guidelines and a shortlist of six (6) firms which present the best profiles shall be drawn up after the expression of interest. Also the firms that are part of an international network are to submit one expression of interest.

Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours Monday to Friday from 9.00 a.m to 5.00 p.m (GMT + 1) Local Time,

ECOWAS Commission, Directorate of General Administration,
Mr Seydou BANGOURA, Head of Procurement,
Procurement Division, Plot 101, Yakubu Gowon Crescent, Asokoro District, Abuja, NIGERIA.
Tel: +234 706 409 0671

E-mail:;, with copy to;;

Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form (in person, by registered mail or by e – mail ) to the address below, by 19th August 2019 at 11.00 a.m (GMT + 1).

i) Electronically to the email addresses below:
 with copies to:

ii) Delivered in a written form (one (1) signed original plus three (3) copies in (person, or by registered mail) to the physical address:

The ECOWAS Tender Box is located in the Procurement Division, First (1st) Floor of the ECOWAS Commission Headquarters, Plot 101, Yakubu Gowon Crescent, Asokoro District, Abuja, NIGERIA.

Commissioner, General Administration & Conference

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