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ECOWAS declaration on Mali peace accord

The ECOWAS Commission acknowledges, with optimism, the Mali Peace and Reconciliation Agreement signed in Algiers on 1st of March 2015, which is the culmination of several months of dedication and tenacious commitment of all parties involved in the Malian talks.

The ECOWAS Commission is particularly pleased that the Agreement preserves the national sovereignty of Mali, its territorial integrity, unity as well as the secular and republican nature of the State in accordance with the Malian Constitution.

While ECOWAS is encouraged by the inclusiveness of the talks which led to the Agreement, the Commission urges all other concerned actors to promptly append their signatures to the agreement.

ECOWAS takes this opportunity to express its unfaltering solidarity with the people of Mali and shares the aspirations of the Malian People for peace, progress and development while hoping the signing of the Agreement will symbolize a path to attaining these aspirations.

ECOWAS wishes to express its gratitude to President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, the government and the people of Algeria for their commitment and dedication to the Malian Peace Process, and congratulates all other stakeholders who have contributed to the attainment of this milestone.

ECOWAS remains seized with the situation in Mali.

Done in Abuja, this 2nd Day of March 2015

                                                   Kadré Désiré OUEDRAOGO, President Ecowas Commission

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