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Recruitment of a Technical Expert (Civil Engineer)

Date : 26 Feb 2019 - 25 Mar 2019
Institution : ECOWAS Commission
Contact :









INFRASTRUCTURE DEPARTMENT: Recruitment of a Technical Expert (Civil Engineer)



Sector                                                             :           Transport

Source of Financing                                      :           ECOWAS Commission




  1. The ECOWAS Commission through its Infrastructure Department is coordinating the implementation of major regional transport infrastructure projects including the 6-Lane Abidjan-Lagos Corridor Highway Development Project and the Praia-Dakar-Abidjan Multimodal Corridor with components covering road, railway and maritime transportation with a global objective of reducing the cost of transportation to enhance intra-community trade and free movement. The ECOWAS Commission is also collaborating with respective Member States to implement some Development Partner financed multinational projects including the Mano River Union Multinational Highway and Transport Facilitation Project and the Nigeria-Cameroon Highway and Transport Facilitation Project for the Enugu-Bamenda Corridor, which involves the construction of the Mfum Joint Border Post (JBP) and Border Bride over the cross-river between the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Republic of Cameroon. These major projects require a sustained staff capacity to ensure timely implementation. The Commission is also working with concerned Member States to operationalize the Seme/Krake and Akanu/Noepe Joint Border Posts (JBPs) between Nigeria and Benin and Togo and Ghana.
  2. In order to expedite procurement, project preparatory and project management activities and to speed up the implementation of these Projects, the Infrastructure Department intends to use part of the budget allocation for the Infrastructure Department to cover the cost of the service contract of a Technical Expert (Civil Engineer) with requisite knowledge and experience in regional transportation to provide urgent support to the Commission.
  3. The services under this contract mainly concern the Transport Infrastructure projects preparation and implementation activities. The activities include: (i) prepare project documents including concept notes, draft Terms of References, Implementation & Procurement Schedules and all related correspondence. Develop project planning and support effective implementation of all activities on schedule; (ii) Support procurement activities covering preparation of Expression of Interest, Request for Proposals (Tender Dossiers), correspondence with Consultants, and evaluation activities towards the selection of Consultants, Suppliers or Contractors; (iii) Support program coordination activities such as organizing and handling experts and high-level meetings, following-up with stakeholders in keeping up with their respective implementation schedules. It also involves drafting correspondences including meeting reports and other related documentation for the project. The consultant will also provide support to ensure with other partners and established structures; (iv) Support monitoring and evaluation of projects against anticipated project milestones; and (v) Any other Project related activities that may be assigned by the Commissioner for Infrastructure or respective Project Managers.
  4. The overall duration of the Consultancy Services is estimated at twelve (12) months.
  5. The ECOWAS Commission invites all interested eligible and qualified individual Consultants to submit their candidacy to provide the services described above. The consultants must produce a letter of expression of interest and their curriculum vitae, providing clear information on their experience and qualification with respect to the assignment (CV, references of similar services demonstrating that they are qualified, description of their experiences and tasks in similar assignments, etc.).
  6. The Consultant will be a high-level specialist in implementing road engineering projects with a good knowledge of international projects. In addition, he/she must possess procurement skills in line with the procedures of multilateral donors, particularly AfDB and World Bank and have the following profile.
  1. Qualification: Hold a Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering, Transport Engineering, or any other civil engineering related Degree ;
  2. Have a minimum of fifteen (15) years’ Civil Engineering practice preferably in West Africa, in the transport infrastructure sector;
  3. Have been involved in a similar position (technical assistance), in the implementation of two (2) cross-border/multinational road infrastructure projects covering feasibility, detailed design, supervision or construction works;
  4. Proven ability to undertake project management activities including the preparation of terms of reference, procurement processes, contracting and contract management;
  5. Must have been at Technical Assistance position supporting a Public Sector institution in the implementation of a similar road study project;
  6. Must have worked with, or consulted for an international organization in the area of technical assistance or key expert in the area of transportation
  7. Must have proven experience in procurement under a transport infrastructure project financed by development partners such as the African Development Bank, World Bank and European Union;
  8. Speak and write English or French very well with a working knowledge of the other.
  1. The eligibility criteria, preparation of the shortlist, and the selection procedure shall comply with the ECOWAS Commission’s “Rules and Procedures for selecting, available on the ECOWAS’s website:
  2. Interested consultants can obtain further information and consult the Terms of Reference (TORs) at the address mentioned below during office hours: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon (GMT+1) on working days. The TORs can be consulted on the ECOWAS website.
  3. The expressions of interest should be submitted or sent to the address physical below not later than March 25th at 4:00 p.m. (GMT +1), and must be clearly marked: “Support to the Department of Infrastructure of the ECOWAS Commission – Recruitment of a Technical Expert (Civil Engineer)”.
  4. The working languages shall be English and French.


For delivery in person or by registered mail to:


Procurement Division,

Directorate of General Administration ,

1st Floor of the ECOWAS Commission Headquarters,

Plot 101, Yakubu Gowon Crescent,

Asokoro District, Abuja,



Requests for further information or clarification and delivery of EoI could be sent by e-mail:

Attention        : Commissioner General Administration &Conference

Email              :


with copies to :






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