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ECOWAS Stanby Force moves to combat contemporay security challenges in the Region
L-R Col Mamadou Baye, General Hassan Lai & Col Ollo Alain Pale.

Abuja, 28th  July 2017. The Core Planning Team (CPT) for the ECOWAS Standby Force (ESF) Command Post Exercise (CPX) – code named JIGUI IV, have developed a scenario narrative which will take into account contemporary security challenges such as terrorism, maritime security, narcotics, human trafficking and trans-boarder crimes in a bid to test the Rapid Deployment Capacity (RDC) of the force and asses its ability to conduct multidimensional peace operations.

During a 5-day workshop which ended on the 28th July 2017 in Abuja, Nigeria, the CPT comprising of ECOWAS staff, members of the ESF, representatives of the Training Centres of Excellence, and development partners reviewed and updated the generic CARANA scenario and adapted it to the regional context for the use of the exercise.

The Head of ECOWAS Peace Support Operations, Colonel Alain Pale, who represented the Commissioner for Political Affairs Peace and Security, Mrs. Halima Ahmed at the close of the workshop, expressed his confidence in the outcome of the workshop to effectively test the ESF strategic movement plan, Rapid Deployment Capability and ability to conduct multidimensional peace operations at the strategic, operational and tactical levels.

Members of the CPT were given detailed presentations and acquainted with the exercise specifications and the objectives of the CPX which enabled them develop a scenario narrative through syndicate group sessions.

Cross Section of the Closing

Furthermore, the CPT developed a list of exercise documents which will be required in the build up to the exercise. Key documents such as the decision of the Mediation and Security Council, the directive of the ECOWAS President, the Rules Of Engagement, the Discriminate Use of Force in conflict and the deployment and mission plans amongst others are crucial to the conduct of the exercise as they are necessary for an intervention in the case of a crisis in the region.

Also highlighted by the CPT as vital for the conduct of the CPX is the adoption of an aide-memoire by the ESF, the approval of the draft logo by ECOWAS for the exercise and the need for ECOWAS and African Union to review the AU/ Regional Economic Communities Memorandum of Understanding.

The Exercise JIGUI IV is scheduled to take place in 2018 at the National Defence College, Abuja, Nigeria. It is the fourth training exercise to be conducted by the ESF since its inception in 2004.

The workshop was also attended by the Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security, Mrs. Halima Ahmed, the Director of Peacekeeping and Regional Security, Dr. Cyriaque Agnekenthom, the designated Exercise Director, Brigadier General (rtd) Hassan Lai, representatives from the International Committee of the Red Cross, GIZ, NDC, Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Centre (KAIPTC) and the Ecole de Maintien de la Paix Alioune Blondin Beye (EMPABB).

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