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2016 African Union Kwame N’krumah Regional Awards For Scientific Women

Date : 16 Aug 2016 - 30 Sep 2016
Venue : Abuja, Nigeria,
Town : Abuja
Country : Nigeria

The Commission of the African Union is committed to support the use and development of science inAfrica and has initiated with its key development partners the African Union Scientific Award Programme.

In July 2010, the African Union Heads of State and Government took a decision to rename this Programme as “African Union Kwame Nkrumah Scientific Awards”. This       decision               reflects and   underscores         a            success story     and        the         critical role       of           science and        technology          in            the         development       and       integration          of            Africa.

Under this programme the Regional Economic Communities in partnership with the AU Commission (see Rules of Procedure) implement the Regional  Scientific            Awards              for    Women               in            the         five        Regions               of           Africa. The objective of this programme is to award Cash Prizes and Recognition Certificates to excelling African women researchers for their achievements in Earth and Life Sciences, and Basic, Science, Technology and Innovation sectors.


The Award is for Women Scientists in the ECOWAS region. Applicants must fulfil the following conditions:

  • Be a female
  • Be a citizen of an ECOWAS member country
  •  Be a professional in the field of science and technology ü Be in one of the fields identified by the competition
  •  Comply with the deadline for the submission of applications
  • Be of good moral character and must not have been subject to any professional discipline.

A-Documentations required

The documentations must include the following: 1- 2016 Application form

2- Candidate’s CV duly signed and approved by the Candidate’s Head of Institution

3- Scientific publications 4- Scientific papers

5- Works

6- Certificates and diplomas

7- Two (2) letters of recommendation:

  •  The first from candidate’s current institution; and
  • The second from the National Science Academy, National Research Council or its equivalent (Directorate of Research, etc.)

8- One (1) confidential letter from the Head of Institution (University, Research Institute, etc.) providing information on the candidate’s good moral character.

Note: applications submitted by candidates must be done in a good presentation.


With regard to scientific publications (National or International), the cover pages bearing the indexing sites and the list of the Selection Committee must be attached.

B- African Union Women Scientists Regional Awards



African Union Earth and Life Sciences Regional Award for Women Scientists


African    Union    Basic               Science, Technology and Innovation for Women Scientists




20,000 US $


20,000 US $


Target Group


Outstanding women scientists




West Africa


(a)         Earth and Life Sciences:

Earth Sciences envelope all sciences relating to the Planet Earth covering (though not restricted to) the following disciplines: geology, geophysics and geodesy. However, we consider Life Sciences as involving all sciences on «organisms » such as plants, animals and human being. This may        include             agro-technology,                        zootechnics,       phytology, biotechnology, biology, science and environment, food science, medicine and tissue engineering, etc.

(b)         Basic Science, Technology and Innovation:

Basic Science, Technology and Innovation includes any other sciences, technology and innovation apart from the sciences covered by Life and Earth Science. This may include physics, chemistry, mathematics, engineering (mechanical, electrical, electronic and civil, etc), artificial intelligence, materials science, manufacturing and production technology, metallurgy, textile engineering, energy and innovation, etc.


The Regional Award shall be managed by the ECOWAS Commission



Benin B/Faso C/Verde C/ d’Ivoire


Gambia Ghana Guinea G/Bissau


Liberia Mali Niger Nigeria


Senegal Sierra Leone Togo




Applications must reach the Department of Education, Science and Culture of the ECOWAS Commission not later than 30th September 2016.


The two (2) awardees shall be presented with their awards at the headquarter of African Union Day in Addis Ababa.


Applications must be sent to the following postal address:

Postal Address:

2016 REGIONAL AWARDS FOR SCIENTIFICS WOMEN Department of Education, Science and Culture.

Science and Technology Programme ECOWAS COMMISSION

101, Yakubu Gowon Crescent Asokoro District

P.M.B 401 Abuja, Nigeria


 Application Form -Regional AU KNSA Ap-English

Winners Award Basic Science and Innovation

Winners Award Life and Earth Science

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