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9th ECOWAS Traditional Wrestling Tournament (TOLAC) in Dakar: Referees and wrestlers ready for the commencement of the tournament.
Dakar (Senegal), 3 November 2021. Like all sports, African traditional wrestling obeys rules that constitute the “law of the game” and define its practice, the objective of which is to make the opponent fall or to defeat him on points.

The 12 referees and members of the technical committee of the ECOWAS Traditional Wrestling Tournament (TOLAC), 2021 edition, have completed this Tuesday, November 2 at the National Wrestling Arena in Dakar, Senegal, the technical training to upgrade their skills and enhance their ownership of the rules of TOLAC as a prelude to the start of the tournament to be held on Thursday, 4 November 2021

On the morning of Wednesday, 3 November 2021, the wrestlers underwent the mandatory medical examination and weighing allowing them to be grouped in the four individual categories of the tournament, which include 66Kg, 76Kg, 100kg and 120Kg.

The Technical Committee then proceeded to the drawing of lots for the team fights which gave the following results:
Group A: Senegal, the Gambia and Cote d’Ivoire; Group B: Niger, Sierra Leone and Ghana; and Group C: Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Guinea Bissau and Benin.

An event has been scheduled for the afternoon of Thursday, 4 October 2021 for the official launch of the tournament with a parade of the various delegations as well as the opening speeches by Senegalese and ECOWAS officials. This opening ceremony will be followed by the commencement of the elimination stage of the group competitions.

Formation des arbitres et des commissaires techniques du Tolac

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