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Six new personalities presented their letters of credence to the President of the Commission of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Jean-Claude Kassi Brou on 9 October 2018, in Abuja, Nigeria

Jean-Claude Kassi Brou and Alhaji Rashid Bawa of Ghana

They were the High Commissioners of Ghana and the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Alhaji Rashi Bawa and T. Raeenthiran respectively, Ambassadors of Egypt, Assem Mohammed Elseify, North Korea, Jon Tong Chol, Mali, Moustapha Traoré, as well as the country representative of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, Suffyan Koroma.

Suffyan Koroma of FAO and Jean-Claude Kassi Brou

Accepting their letters of credence, Jean-Claude Kassi Brou congratulated them on their appointments and pledged his support for successful tour of duty.
He reviewed the status of cooperation between their respective institutions and countries and the regional organisation. He enjoined them to initiate new projects to enhance cooperation towards regional economic integration.

Ambassador Raeenthiran of Sri Lanka with Jean-Claude Kassi Brou

Responding to the President’s statement; each of the personalities pledged to foster cooperation between his country or organisation and the region.
The ECOWAS Commission President promised to work closely with them for the attainment of the objectives of the West African organisation.
Reacting to the North Korean Diplomat’s remarks, Mr Brou highlighted the enormous economic potentials and resources of ECOWAS.

Ambassador of North Korea, Jon Tong Cho and Jean-Claude Kassi Brou

«ECOWAS boasts several investment opportunities in agriculture, industry, infrastructure, finance, education and health. Investors therefore stand to benefit from this big market», Mr Brou stated.
For his part, Mali’s new Ambassador to ECOWAS, Moustapha Traoré, held discussions with Jean-Claude Kassi Brou on regional integration and institutional matters, particularly the ongoing institutional reforms in Community Institutions.

Egyptian Ambassador, Assem Elseify with President Jean-Claude Kassi Brou

Aside from bilateral cooperation between Egypt and ECOWAS, talks between the Egyptian Ambassador, Assem Mohammed Mahmoud Elseify and Jean-Claude Kassi Brou, centred on the Intra-Africa Trade Fair scheduled to hold from 11 to 17 December 2018 in Cairo, the Egyptian capital. The President of the ECOWAS Commission has been invited to the event.
The country representative of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), Suffyan Koroma informed the ECOWAS Commission President of the forthcoming commemoration of the World Food Day on 16 October 2018.
The accreditation ceremony was attended by Mr Brou’s Director of Cabinet, Kalilou Traoré, his Executive Assistant, Kadja Eugène Etché, ECOWAS Commissioner for Social Affairs and Gender, Dr Siga Fatima Jagne and her colleague for Energy and Mines, Sédiko Douka, as well as by the representative of the Director of External Relations, Mr Babatunde Idowu, and the Ag. Director of Communication of the ECOWAS, Mr Liberor Doscof Aho.

Ambassador of Mali, Moustapha Traoré and Jean-Claude Kassi Brou

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