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FODETE as response to major challenges in the transport and energy sectors in the ECOWAS region
L-R, Commissioner Dr Antoinette Weeks (Infrastructures), Alieu Sesay (Finances), and Dr Morlaye Bangoura (Energie & Mines)

Dakar, le 6 March 2017

The Commissioner for Infrastructure of the ECOWAS Commission, Dr Antoinette Weeks has condemned the inadequacy of transport infrastructure and services in West Africa and the poor access of the population (only 30%) to energy at an affordable cost in almost all the Member States of the West African organisation.

She made this declaration on Monday 6 March 2017, in Dakar, Senegal at the opening of the 3rd meeting of the Steering Committee for the implementation of the Development and Financing of ECOWAS Transport and Energy Sectors (FODETE-ECOWAS).

Participants are expected to consider the issues raised by the Administration and Finance Committee (AFC) at its session held in November 2016 in Abuja, Nigeria.

They will also develop a clearly defined road map with a view to adopting the recommendations on the FODETE study by ECOWAS statutory bodies.

The conclusions of the meeting will enable ECOWAS to finalise the final recommendations that will be presented for validation by the ECOWAS Ministers of Finance, Energy, Transport, Public Works and Infrastructure. .

Legal projects and documents on FODETE’s implementation will also be prepared during the meeting. They will thereafter be presented for approval by ECOWAS statutory bodies namely the AFC, the Council of Ministers and the Authority of Heads OF State and Government.

Dr Weeks stated that the FODETE initiative is a response to the major challenges facing the transport and energy sectors in the ECOWAS region.

«Distinguished Member States’ delegates, we should realise that FODETE’s success depends on the concerted efforts of Member States, propelled by regional integration and collective development», she declared.

At the opening ceremony, the Director of Cabinet of Senegalese Minister of African Integration, NEPAD and Promotion of Good Governance, Massamba Sène commended the creation of FODETE which is in line with the will of West African leaders to have an effective instrument for cushioning West Africa’s delay in having modern and quality infrastructure.

« Modern and quality infrastructure would enable the West African economy to be more competitive and relevant to the global economic system », Mr Sene opined.

He commended the already fruitful relationship with the African Development Bank (AfDB) which has complemented the already cordial relationship between the ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development (EBID) and the Projects Development and Preparation Unit (PPDU).

The PPDU, a specialised agency of the ECOWAS Commission based in Lomé, organising the 3rd meeting of the Steering Committee for the implementation of FODETE.

Representatives from Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Nigeria, Senegal and the ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development (EBID) as well as the ECOWAS Commission are participating in the meeting.

Apart from the Commissioner for Infrastructure of the Commission, Dr Antoinette Weeks, the Commissioner for Energy and Mines, Dr Morlaye Bangoura; Commissioner for Finance, Alieu Sesay; Vice-President in charge of Operations, EBID, Abdoulaye Fall, Acting Director of Communication of the ECOWAS Commission, Liberor Doscof Aho; and PPDU Director, Sediko Douka are also participating in the meeting.

Group photo
L-R, Director of PPDU, Sédiko Douka,  Vice-président of  EBID, Abdoulaye Fall, et Brice Houéton from EBID.


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